In a history spanning 140 years of existence, H.H. The Rajah’s College (Autonomous), Pudukkottai has well defined policies for maintaining the campus in every aspect towards quality improvement. This college follows a systematic procedure, devised by the State Government of Tamilnadu, for purchasing, maintaining and utilizing the equipments. All the purchases are subjected to regular audits at state and central levels and physical assets are kept and maintained with due focus.
Our college Library, which is one of the focal points of any educational institute, Tamil Nadu State Director of collegiate Education allocates funds every year for procuring library books and improving other facilities of the Library. Apart from the Main Library every department has its own exclusive library for the benefit of their students and staff alike. The fund allotted under the library head is sub-allocated to all the departments depending upon the strength of students in the department and if there is a need to procure more books, then it is approved by the college council.
The heads of department with the assistance from the College Librarian prepare a list of books to be purchased based on the curriculum and the need for the improvement of contemporary knowledge and general field awareness. The books are purchased by following stipulated procedures and are maintained by the central library through Accession. The departments also maintain a separate stock register of the books transferred from the main library and also the books are issued to the students through using an issue register. At the end of every academic year, verification of stock for libraries of all the departments is done by other department staff members or in other words Intra Department audit.
Classrooms and buildings are maintained by the State Public Works Department with the fund allotted by the State Government under maintenance and repair (M & R) or through Special repairs (S & R). Details regarding the Civil and Electrical works to be carried out in each class room, staff room, building are collected from the Heads of the departments through staff in charge of PWD for compliance. At the end of the year a work completion is certified by the Principal after verification. Campus cleaning is done by the sweeper, scavenger and PWD staff. The services of National Service Scheme Volunteers and National Cadet Corps are effectively used by the college to maintain the “Clean Campus” mission.
Students are encouraged to take part in sports. The required sports articles are procured periodically and a separate stock register is maintained by the Director of Physical Education. The college has a spacious as well as dedicated play ground for practising various sports like volley ball, foot ball, cricket, kabadi, kho-kho etc. The college usually hosts the Inter-University sports events of Bharathidasan University. Tiruchirapalli, every year by utilizing the available sports facilities. Students participate in almost all the sports events hosted by Bharathidasan University in large numbers and they bring accolades to the college by winning medals.
Every Science faculty does have major and allied laboratories that are used to train the students with experiments which is part of their curriculum. Funds are allocated for purchasing and maintaining laboratory equipments every year under the heads “Stores and Equipments” and “Machinery and Equipments”. This fund is sub-allocated to various departments by the college council after considering the requirement of each department. Head of the Departments with the guidance of the Principal place orders for the purchase of chemicals and laboratory equipments for the least quoted price, as the case may be, after collecting quotations from leading suppliers and preparing comparative statements. Log registers are maintained in each laboratory to ensure optimum utilization. For the prompt use of Equipments by the students, issue registers are maintained in the laboratories. As a safety measure fire extinguishers are installed and maintained in all the laboratories and each and every floor of all building.