Objectives of the Practice
For decades, Tests and Exams are conducted to assess the learning level of the students.
Important messages related to the exam fee, Arrears, result, hall ticket, duty allotment to the invigilators etc., are sent accordingly. This service simplifies all those tasks and completes within a short span of time.
The students are enjoying a very good environment for the examinations because of the computerized random shuffle method. Thus, the seat allotment is made by the machine in order to prohibit malpractices.
Attendance for each student is digitally maintained from the opening to the end of the academic year with the help of the HODs and class tutors. The status of students will be intimated to their parents. If there is any deviation or important communication for the students, they will be intimated through SMS. This will enable the students to attend the classes regularly. Further, the parents can ensure the arrival of the students.
Online examinations for both UG and PG are conducted to enable the students to face the competitive examinations effectively which will become the deciding factor of their future career. Further, the online examination question papers will be different from one another because all of them would have been shuffled. The submission of the answers would ensure the attendance of the students and the answer scripts will be evaluated by the machine itself. Result of the examination can be immediately known upon final submission of answer script. This method of online examinations will ensure the students to understand the procedure of the examinations that will help in their future.
The profiles of the students are accurately registered from their admission. The profiles of the students will indicate the status of the students. viz, if a student has any arrears, fees pending or any other queries. Besides, the status of the students shall be intimated to the concerned HODs as well as the class tutors. In addition, the internal assessment marks and semester marks are maintained in the computer, which enable easy access, accuracy, quick result etc.
The students are facilitated with online fees collection, enabling them to pay fees even from their smart phones. When the students pay fees through the SBI collect, they are able to download the receipt whenever needed. This facility will help the students from waiting in a queue on the bank to pay fees.
Hall tickets for the students are issued prior to the exam date through the whatsapp numbers, which were received earlier from them. This facility has been provided to the students to feel free from stress during the semester period.
The differently-abled students are allowed with scribes to write examinations in a separate hall. Further, they are exempted from paying the exam Fees. In addition, the remuneration for the Scribes will be offered by the Controller of the Examinations of the College. This offer boosts the disabled students to overcome the barriers and helps to shape their future.
The students with grievances are effectively addressed with fingertip information already have. The students can get their grievances solved within a few hours.
Significant features
Evidence of success
The online fees collection and issuing of hall tickets are done smoothly. Both the offline and online examinations are conducted successfully during every academic year. The central evaluation is done meticulously and the results of the semester examinations are published on time.
Problems Encountered and Resources Required:
In spite of the prior announcements made by the COE office regarding the payment of examination fees a few students still pay the fees along with the fine only after the stipulated date.
Objectives of the Practice
The Youth Red Cross, The National Service Scheme (NSS) and NCC of this College have set the goal to donate blood at least from 50 to 100 blood donors once in a year and to promote voluntary blood donation to needy people and to Blood Banks of Pudukkottai Government hospital. Each volunteer may donate blood at least once in three years during his/her studies. The Government General Hospital is very famous in Pudukkottai where a majority of the people come from various places for treatment without proper guidance and pre-arrangements. When doctors recommend blood for the patients, they encounter problems and anxiously search for blood donors. Sometimes they face shortage of blood and the paid blood donors demand huge amount for the blood donation. In this context, H.H.The Rajah’s College’s YRC, NCC and NSS volunteers come forward to help the patients.
Evidence of Success
Problems encountered and Resources Required
Some students have inhibition and fear regarding blood donation and are reluctant to donate blood. Such students’ fears are allayed and they are enlightened regarding the importance of blood donation.
Objectives of the Practice
Evidence of Success
Problems encountered and resources required
There is scarcity of water during summer. Hence adequate water resources should be ensured to water the plants and trees.
Objectives of the Practice
For years, student-representatives were chosen by conducting elections.Practice
The academic toppers of various classes are elected as student representatives of the academic year. While all the student-representatives remain the members of the college student union, a final year PG student is selected as Student-Chairman and a final year UG student is selected as Student-Secretary by Department-rotation.
Girl student-toppers of I year classes will be their class representatives. This practice may be taken as one of the best practices followed in this college.
Evidence of Success
Problems encountered and resources required:
Students leaders got diversions from their academic preparations due to the additional burden of taking care of welfare of peers.
Objectives of the Practice
The Alumni Association could boost the stature of the college in many ways. Keeping this in mind, the Association is planning to initiate programmes in support of the college.Practice
Evidence of Success
Well-attended Executive and General Body meetings of the Association are conducted regularly. Problems encountered and resources required: