About Library
H. H. The Rajah’s College Library is fully equipped to meet essential academic and intellectual need of its students with user friendly. A spacious library spread on four sections, has been Stock Room, Reference Hall, Processing section and Digital Library. The library has open access system and spacious reading hall.
This College has Central library and Department libraries. It is well stocked and the book collection consists of more than 68,000 books. Collection is continuously updated with changes in curriculum. It has subscribed to many newspapers, national journals.
Working hours
The library is opened all working days in a week.
Timings are 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. It remains closed on all Sundays and Government Holidays.
Lending services are available from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
Print Collection:
The library has a total collection of about 68,000 printed volumes including books, text books,Thesis. Books are organized in open access shelves in various collections.
Reference Collection:
While most books are available for loan, books in General Reference section and text reference can only be consulted within the library.
Journals and Magazines: Journals with professional and research orientation are subscribed by the Library. General magazines also subscribed along with several daily newspapers (English as well as Tamil).
Question Papers:
Previous year Autonomous question papers are available for reference. User can make photocopy of relevant papers.
College Library is providing the following services.
Library Automation
Library is automating using Autolib software with barcode.
How to Locate Books in Library
Library books are arranged within each collection by their Subject Codes using AACR II
Suggestions for new Books
Library members are encouraged to suggest new books for updating the library. Suggestions / feedback forms are available at the help desk.
Dr. A. Victor M.Com., M.L.I.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D.
College Librarian,
H.H. The Rajah’s College(Autonomous)
Pudukkottai - 622 001.
e-mail id: ajvictorlib@gmail.com
Annexure Capsule of Dr. A. Victor.